mercoledì 7 ottobre 2009

GWT on debian 64bit

In mashape we are working on a dashboard in Google Web Toolkit.

GWT is a very interesting project. You can find a lot of useful plugins and an active community. The main problem is that you can't run GWT and its Eclipse plugin in a pure 64bit environment.
And my laptop was a pure 64 bit env. And it was not easy to keep it so "pure" in its 2years of life.

To run GWT on debian 64bit, i had to follow, first of all, these steps:
The apt-get install of ia32-sun-java6-bin installed ia32-libs, that contains shared libraries compiled for ia32.
But it's not enough..
i was still getting a fatal error with libgtk2.0-0 (not found).
The final step, not listed in the link above, is this:
apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk

Now it works, with some warning, but nothing dangerous :)